Getting the most out of your rental home!



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Florida Guide > Accommodation

Getting the most out of your rental home!

You’ve chosen the very best type of accommodation for your Florida visit, a privately owned vacation home and made a great choice. So how do you get the most of it for your stay?

Most of the vacation homes are within 15 mins of Disney so, if you want to start early at the parks, why not come home for a rest in mid afternoon? A particularly good idea if you’ve got little ones who may want an afternoon nap and you can spend time around that great private pool! You can usually get a hand stamp before you leave the theme parks so that you can return later. Why not go back again for those great fireworks?

OK, so it’s Mom’s vacation too isn’t it? But if you want to save some money, why not try out that great fully equipped kitchen and cook yourselves a meal? Or, pick up some ready cooked food from a supermarket (most sell ready cooked chicken for instance), along with some salad fixings and there’s no cooking involved! Grab yourself a tub of ice cream and you’ve got a great dessert too!

It’s raining? Oh no! No problems… you’ve probably got great entertainment options at your vacation home! Lots of them have TVs, VCRs, DVDs, CD players, PS2s, etc so call in to a rental store and pick up a few DVDs or PS2 games – you can rent them with a photo ID and a credit card. Your rental home may even have included some for you already! There you have it, ready made entertainment when it’s raining.

You shouldn’t use the pool when it’s raining in case there’s lightening but with all those indoor shopping malls, why not go shopping and stay dry? The rain normally doesn’t last for long (usually only an hour or so) and you can be back out in the sun again.

There’s a whole community out there! In most cases, your vacation home will be in a mixed residential and rental community. Take a walk around and see what it’s all about. Pretend you live there all the time – how would that feel? There are probably some community areas – your community may have play areas for the kids, ball game courts, lots of space for the kids to run around or it could have a clubhouse, community swimming pool, etc. Check it all out while you’re there!

What about that great washer and dryer? Do your washing before you leave and there's none to do when you unpack at home!

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